Real Food Reset
A Sustainable 14-Day Reset for Body and Mind
The REAL FOOD RESET is a sustainable approach to reset your body and mind.
You will be eating REAL, WHOLE FOODS, which means there will be...
- NO starvation
- NO supplements
- NO complicated recipes
- NO expensive ingredients
The REAL FOOD RESET is a proven system to reset your system.
There are three phases of this program:
Phase 1: Pre-Cleanse Prep
Phase 2: Cleanse
Phase 3: Reintroduction
Pre-Cleanse: make the commitment to set your intentions, shop for cleanse friendly ingredients, and begin to ease your body into the full cleanse, mentally, emotionally and physically.
Cleanse: you will follow the simple elimination diet plan and body practices.
Re-Introduction: you will reintroduce foods back in to your diet one by one to identify food sensitivities and intolerances and create a maintenance diet that best serves your unique body.
*Also includes ongoing self-care techniques to support you mentally, emotionally and physically throughout the cleanse.
Real Food Reset Includes:
- Accountability: Working with a coach is the secret to creating lasting habit change.
- E-Booklet- 14- day Cleanse. Includes clear guidelines on elimination diet plan, schedule, healthy habits, self-care techniques, recipes and more.
- One 30 minute check-in via Zoom
- Unlimited Email Support during Cleanse
Your Instructor
Hey there! I’m Stacy Fisher, a Certified Health Coach through the Health Coach Institute. I live in Wilson, Wyoming with my husband and baby. I love being outside, traveling, and cooking. A Midwest native, I grew up eating relatively well…garden veggies and deer meat, but also eating many-a-Cream-of-Mushroom hotdish. My food was lacking nutrient balance. It wasn’t until my husband taught me to cook really healthy food that I noticed many of my health issues like low immunity, gut bloat, candida, and fatigue dissipate. I strive to live my life as healthfully and balanced as possible, and am also not one to turn down a good cheeseburger and fries.
In addition to being a Health Coach, I also own Fisher Fitness, a boutique wellness center. I have worked in private, group, workshop, retreat and virtual settings since 2004 offering a variety of health and wellness services.
Whether working on the physical, mental or spiritual bodies, we seek balance in all areas of life. Just like a wheel on your car, if you have a flat tire, the car cannot move forward. By improving your self-awareness, we can effectively identify the areas in your life out of balance, and how they may be holding you back. Together we identify solutions to create sustainable habit change to get you moving in the direction of your goals!
I take a tough love approach to health coaching! I promise to listen, be compassionate, but above all else, hold you accountable to your goals. I do not believe in scales, counting calories, food deprivation or killing yourself on the elliptical (because none of that works- if it worked, it would have worked by now!) Instead, we work together using a proven system to help you identify your behavior patterns, not only with food and exercise, but also in relationships, sleep, stress, money, and how that is affecting your health, and happiness. We then identify easy, daily solutions to move toward your goals in a sustainable and positive way.
Are you ready to really be honest with yourself? Are you able to trust me, and yourself that you are indeed capable of change? Are you willing to try new things? Are you able to ask for support from me, loved ones, friends, etc. to keep you accountable?
I sure hope so.
Waffles are health food, right?!

In my happy place...on a bumpy train in Myanmar.
Stacy Fisher is a 2005 graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire with a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology-Exercise Science and a Minor degree in Spanish. She holds certifications/ instructs the following: Health Coach, Advanced Personal Trainer, Corrective Exercise Specialist, Active Isolated Stretching, Mat Pilates, MELT Method, Thai Massage, Fascial Stretch Therapy, Muscle Energy Technique, Positional Release Technique, Iron-Core Fit Kettlebell, Booty Barre, Aerial Yoga, Pole Dance, Yoga Nidra.